Walls and Bridges

Walls & Bridges propose une série de performances et d'explorations critiques qui réunit des penseurs et des artistes français et américains issus des sciences sociales, de la philosophie, de la littérature et du spectacle vivant.

Tattersall Ian

Paleoanthropologist / USA


Ian Tattersall, PhD is a curator emeritus in the Division of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where he co-curated the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. He is an acknowledged leader in studies of the human fossil record, and a prominent interpreter of human evolution to the public, having won the American Association of Physical Anthropologists’ W. W. Howells Award for his book Becoming Human. Tattersall has appeared on Charlie Rose and NPR’s Science Friday, and has written for Scientific American and Archaeology. He is widely cited by the media, including The New York Times, BBC, MSNBC, and National Geographic. He lives in New York City.


+ Find Ian Tattersall's complete bio on the AMNH website