Walls and Bridges
Walls and Bridges is a 10-day series of performances and critical explorations uniting French and American thinkers and artists from social sciences, philosophy, literature and live arts.

Far from the tree — When families are dysfunctional

52 Prince Street (Between Lafayette & Mulberry Streets)
NY 10012
Discussion. Co-presented with McNally Jackson Bookstore, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York, Time Out New York and Tin House.
In their memoirs, the four writers Gwenaëlle Aubry, author of No One (Tin House, 2012), Mira Bartók, author of The Memory Palace (Free Press, 2011), Marco Roth, author of The Scientists : A Family Romance (FSG, 2012), and Claude Arnaud, author of Qu’as-tu fait de tes frères ? [What have you done to your brothers?] (Grasset, 2010) try to reconnect with lost relatives by reconstructing their parents’ lives and their relationship to them. These portraits, full of love, defiance and guilt, are also detective stories about what (or who) made the narrators, an attempt to find one’s voice through those who are now gone, an unusual self-portrait.
With : Claude Arnaud, Gwenaëlle Aubry, Mira Bartók, Marco Roth.
Hosted byAmanda Angel, Editor “This Week in New York” for Time Out New York