Walls and Bridges
Walls and Bridges is a 10-day series of performances and critical explorations uniting French and American thinkers and artists from social sciences, philosophy, literature and live arts.
Heinrich Caroline
Caroline Heinrich, born in Buehl/Baden (Germany), studied Philosophy and German at the Universities Munster and Mainz. Her dissertation Fundamental Principles of the Philosophy of the Victims of Power (dt.: Grundriss zu einer Philosophie der Opfer der Geschichte) was published by Passagen Verlag in 2004.
In 2004 and 2005, she gave several talksin cities such as Vienna, Mainz, and Karlsruhe at the symposium Jean Baudrillard and the Arts. A Tribute to his 75th birthday. Her talk In Search of the ‘Innocence of the Child’... (dt.: Auf der Suche nach der „Unschuld des Kindes“...) was published by Merve Verlagand can be accessed at www.magazin.avinus.de. Baudrillard addressed her hypotheses about 9/11 in Power Inferno (2003). They cultivated a close friendship until Baudrillard’s death in 2007.
Caroline Heinrich began her teacher training in 2005 and graduated in 2007. In a philosophical report entitled “What Does a New Yorker Think When He Bites into a Hamburger?“ Microphenomenology of Power Exemplified in the Teacher Training (dt.: „Was denkt ein New Yorker, wenn er in einen Hamburger beißt?“ Mikrophänomenologie der Macht am Beispiel des Referendariats), published in 2011 by Passagen Verlag, is a reflection on her own experiences.
After working at different schools in Mainz, she is currently Junior Professor at the University of Paderborn.