Walls and Bridges
Walls and Bridges is a 10-day series of performances and critical explorations uniting French and American thinkers and artists from social sciences, philosophy, literature and live arts.

Arnaud Claude

Claude Arnaud is a writer and a columnist for the cultural section of the journal Le Point. He is the receiver of the Femina First Novel Award for Le Caméléon [The Chameleon] (Grasset, 1994) and of the Femina Essay Award for Qui dit je en nous ? [We Contain Multitudes] (Grasset, 2006). In his latest novel, Qu’as-tu fait de tes frères ? [What Have You Done to Your Brothers?], the author delivers the story of young Claude and his family, shattered by the events of the year 1968 in France. A family tragedy that takes the form of a fascinating chronicle of a society on the rise, where life is lived on the edge of death.