Pierre Fourneret
Pierre Fourneret is currently head of the Psychopathology of Development department at the Femme Mère Enfant Hospital. A professor at the Lyon-Est School of Medicine, he teaches clinical child psychiatry and coordinates the department for joint training in human & social sciences at Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University. After completing his doctoral dissertation in neuropsychology on self-consciousness under the direction of Professor Marc Jeannerod, Fourneret worked as a clinical researcher in the Laboratory for Studies on the Brain, Language and Cognition (CNRS) at the Cognitive Sciences Institute in Lyon, where he codirects the “Learning and Communication” research team. In addition to the issue of the development of language and its relationship to motor skills and the emergence of thought, he is also interested, more particularly from an epistemological perspective, in a psychopathological reinterpretation of a certain number of developmental problems in light of recent discoveries in neuroscience.