Diversity of voices, diversity of languages : one week of events and readings in Lyon and in the Rhône-Alpes region.
Portraits and Faces: Appearance and Disfigurement

05/30/2013 >  19:30 - 21:00
Les Subsistances
8 bis Quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er
8 bis Quai Saint-Vincent
Lyon 1er
From Madame de Lafayette via Balzac and Proust, French literature has a long tradition of painting characters’ portraits. More than just a physical or psychological description, the portraits of a novel’s characters contain moral, social, and philosophical values. A very specific form of narration, the art of portraitrature has suffered from the rampant development of figurative consistency. Modern art has swept aside the old rules: no longer following the canons of beauty, its representations are frequently startling. How do these changes resonate in literature and art?