The Department of Musique at Columbia invites Peter Szendy - VILLA-GILLET // WALLS AND BRIDGES //

Walls and Bridges

Walls and Bridges is a 10-day series of performances and critical explorations uniting French and American thinkers and artists from social sciences, philosophy, literature and live arts.

The Department of Musique at Columbia invites Peter Szendy

© H. Bamberger

10/11/2013 >  16:00 - 17:30
The Department of Music at Columbia University
Columbia University
622 Dodge Hall
2960 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

The Department of Musique at Columbia invites Peter Szendy for a lecture: "The Art of Listening: Marking, Auscultating, Punctuating"


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Learn more about the guest :

Peter  Szendy